Rule of Title Match for Primary Keywords
You encounter Keywords in the Keyword Record that are also in the Lesson Title and/or the Lesson URL.
These should always be Primary Keywords unless there is an instance of the What Is [Keyword] with a higher Search Volume available.
3 examples below (so scroll down). Note instances where the Lesson Title and the Lesson URL are not exactly the same. Keywords that appear in either the Title or the URL are acceptable Primary Keyword choices.
Example 1:
In this example, we see Primary Keywords from the Lesson Title. What is Geography serves as a primary Keyword because it is in the Title and because of the What Is [Keyword] Rule.
Lesson Record with Keyword List
Example 2:
"Math Factor" is the Key Concept of the Lesson and appears in the Lesson Title. Note that plurals are considered the same, so "maths factor" = "math factor". In this example, note that the Lesson Title and the Lesson URL are slightly different:
Math Factor: Definition & Explanation
Lesson Record & Keyword List Lesson Page
Example 3:
Hemolysis is the Key Concept and reflects very high Search Volume so it is selected as a Primary Keyword. "Hemolysis definition" and "what is hemolysis" are in the Lesson Title so they are likewise selected. "Hemolysis causes" is in the Lesson Title, however other choices are better because they have high Search Volume.
Lesson Record & Keyword List
Lesson Page
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